Sunday, September 28, 2014

JiLL aT pLAy

While hubby is renovating the bathroom Jill has created Bobby Bird rescuer.  Magic!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CLaRicE iS oN heR wAY

Hi Everyone, this is Clarice, hot off the press from the indomitable Jill Maas.  Adorable with her pointed elfin ears, turned up boots and gorgeous wings.  
Included in the pattern are many diagrams with detailed instructions. 

'Clarice is a forest dweller, her job is to care for the trees, vines and bushes that tangle and live together to form the thick forest. She loves playing amongst the huge roots hiding down dark holes then climbing into the canopy and swinging on the vines, with the bright sunlight peeping and dancing through the leaves. But her most favorite  time is when the rain pours down amongst the trees to the forest floor, causing wonderful slippery mud, water falls and filling the streams into gushing rivers, it's like skiing and rafting at the same time.
Clarice is fun of energy, hardly ever sits still and can never be found except at meal times

Patterns should arrive at The Kingdom of Stuff any day - $15.00 inc post. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

On IT's wAY - AGaiN


A reminder that Christmas is on it's way - aren't these tempting.  Check out Julia Eves work on Etsy

WhiLsT We aRe ViSiTiNg KiNGdOmS

Sherry Goshon showed off her studio on Facebook - very impressive!  Good size for creating and storing lots of good STUFF.
(click to enlarge)

Friday, September 12, 2014


Sorry to have missed the Dorrit Black exhibition recently held at the Adelaide Art Gallery.  Fancy being single, owning a car and travelling South Australia in the early 1900's.  Dorrit didn't follow what was expected of women then - and her work wasn't generally accepted until after her death.  Dorrit traveled the Flinders Ranges - painted the Port Germein Gorge, Port Lincoln etc - a pioneer of modernist art and a unique pioneer of women's independence.  View more of her work at

Monday, September 8, 2014

HoW's yOur MOjO?

Just ordered some copies of Paint Mojo - Mixed Media Workshop by Tracy Verdugo.  Looks terrific.  
See that Tracy has a workshop in Adelaide in October - 'Paint Mojo' Oct 18th and 19th.  If it appeals to your sense of fun and art check out her blog