Thursday, October 16, 2014

Heading off on the weekend for a month - lucky gal eh.
I may be able to post here while away but if not the time will fly and be back soon.
If you have any news for the blog please email it thru and we can share -
good to be able to keep up with what is going on.
Russ will be posting out the next lot of magazines when they arrive - have addressed the envelopes, written dockets etc - but he's nervous!!!!
Am sure he'll be fine.  Cheers folks.

Isn't this superb!!!!  Sherry Goshon created this masterpiece recently for a planned retreat in Texas.

This took my fancy - and I wrote down the artist - but the magic untidy fairy has hidden my notes!
I'll post the artist etc when the notes turn up.  Tut tut.

Dear elinor has been at play again!  Her latest creations - Moth and Amethyst



Sunday, October 5, 2014

POsTal TReAts

Sadly this doesn't show up really well but had to show you the fabulous surprise that came in the mail last week - the fabric is Japanese - pure linen - and beautiful to the touch.
There is a little hanging owl in the front and some amazing Japanese buttons that seem to be fabric somehow covered in plastic.
A Panda card with a 3-D bookmark(!!!!) and a photo of a gypsy van, alluding to our new mobile acquisition. 
Thanks so much to you know who!!!!  Spoiled.

MorE is MoRe and LEsS iS a BoRE

Thought at first these women were off to a Doll Conference - but see they were in New York at Senior Planet.  
Aren't they fabulous!!!!
'The Senior Planet Exploration Center, the country’s first technology-themed center for New Yorkers 60 and up, opened in January 2013 in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. The center hosts classes, workshops, programs, lectures and special events, offering older New Yorkers a comfortable space to learn, work and explore new ways to thrive in today’s digital world.'

Friday, October 3, 2014

UgLY, UgLy says JeNnY

Jenny always writes a little note with her book payments - very much appreciated!  Jenny commented that the dolls in latest Art Doll 1/4 (Vol 12 #3) are fascinating - but she added 'Can't see the attraction in Skeleton Dolls my self.'


Susie McMahon's latest creation - Erin.



Oooow - love this!
Creation by Leandra Holder from the UK - she says 'some describe my work as wierd'
Rings a bell eh!
If you check out Leandra's blogspot you will see the amazing urn she created for her Mum's ashes.  


The Art Gallery of South Australia has announced its major international exhibition for spring 2014 - summer 2015 Fashion Icons: Masterpieces from the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris - covering the years between 1940's and 1950's.  The exhibition will feature over 90 haute couture garments from the world's leading fashion designers.
Fashion Icons has been organised by Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris in association with Art Exhibitions Australia and the Art Gallery of South Australia.
The exhibition will also be part of this year's Adelaide Fashion Festival. 
25thOct. 2014 - 1st Feb 2015.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

STunNiNg QUilT

Can you imagine completing such a project!  How beautiful - and the work!
If you are on Facebook the Hoop Sisters have this as their
2015 Embroidery of the month - Sewn Seeds.
Go on - I dare you!!!!  Ha.

LYnnE ShOWs hOW it'S DOnE

Lynne Butcher still has her hand in and producing wonderful characters.
Lynne made this character doll for her brother's 60th birthday.
What do you think?  Amazing likeness.

ChecK OuT FOlt bOLt

Remember Elizabeth Armstrong from the good old days?
Fabulous to see her doing so well in the felting world.
Vibrant colors,lovely faces,funny monsters,home decor, clothing and more by the Australian felt and mixed media artist, Elizabeth Armstrong - Elizabeth Armstrong
Read more about her on Folt Bolt's blog:!Elizabeth-Armstrong/cy7d/85180AE7-7754-409C-9914-ECED902153EC