Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Some piccies Jill Maas posted on the net - fabulous!  Jill's imagination keeps us inspired.

Little Softies

Stringing Hearts

Can't sort out why the picture on the previous post is half hidden - hope it doesn't happen to this post.


This E-book class looks worth investigating!  $49US - check it out at this link..............

Sculpture Part One, the Head.

Sculpture, part 1 - The Head

Monday, May 4, 2015

WOrKsHOpS - or PLaYShOPs

Marlaine Verhelst is coming to Australia to teach at the Fibre Arts Winter School.  

Check out details at
Would be an amazing experience!

Marlaine is teaching in Paris at the moment and it sounds like they are having a lot of fun!!

You will also find details of a workshop with Gizella Warburton from the UK at that site - 
July 9th - 12th.

Dollmaker's Journey are hosting 'Work Along' sessions, where they indicate a pattern - the latest being Jill Maas's 'Dancing Doris'.  Then at a specified time they have an internet 'get together' to share progress, ask questions etc.  Great idea!

Everyone is feeling sad for poor Nepal.  Slowly, slowly I guess they will recover - but what a task.