Beryl Kelly (Dr. Beryl DME to those that know her) sent some great emails - and shame on me - they are over six months old and un-answered. I've been catching up on a few jobs' that have been on the 'must do' list for some time.
Beryl was an active member of the Total Fabrication doll club of Canberra - but sadly the group has folded as people have got older or moved on.
Beryl sent some photos of her fabulous creations from a couple of online workshops she did with Marianne. The frog is called 'Mistaken Identity' because he has caught a fairy - and the fairy is from an ageing pin doll.
The horse has extra long legs because she called him 'A Tall Horse for a Long Journey'. He is covered with gold paper serviette - and the saddle and bridle are also covered with serviette. The stirrups are the wired edge of ribbon.
'You know these dolls have a mind of their own because this horse was normal size in a story book with a rider on his back. However as he developed he grew tall legs and the rider got red hair and waved farewell.'
Beryl said she can highly recommend Marianne's class as 'she is a very talented woman and her instructions even over the Internet are very easy to follow'.
Too much hard stuffing with Gloria Winer dolls has affected Beryl's thumbs - but she still loves her dolls and has been finishing some of her UFO's.
The Bee is crochet and was created for a money raiser for The Biggest Morning Tea - and the caterpillar knitting and nursing her baby is from some odd bootees.
Beryl concluded - ''Better go, my Qld. daughter is staying for a couple of days and is de-cluttering the house, I feel so much better with a lot of house things going BUT hands off my 3 - Ha Haa material rooms. One is for quilting, one for sewing and dolls and one with books and books and stuff.
Got a shock the other day ,picked up an ordinary doll book and it was $69. Wow I must have millions of $’s in the house if I could only sell them. Or should I say “if I could part with them.”
It was always good to stay with Beryl as she is also a wizz in the kitchen - you could be sure of a delectable bread with hundreds and thousands for dinner. Never did get that recipe!
It was always good to stay with Beryl as she is also a wizz in the kitchen - you could be sure of a delectable bread with hundreds and thousands for dinner. Never did get that recipe!
We've been friends for many years - and as Beryl said - 'Doll friends are forever'.
Went back in to this posting to see if I could get the font all the same size - but it has a mind of it's own. Also asked Beryl for surname of doll designer.