Tuesday, August 9, 2016

OUr WondROus RobYn

Robyn Williams from Queensland has shared some of her amazing creations with us.  Robyn's dolls were recently judged at the Ekka - and yes - First Prize Original and Champion of Show is 'Hey diddle diddle the Cat and her Fiddle'.

“Purrrfect in Pink” below won First Prize in Fantasy.

“Steam Punk fairy godmother”

Catrina (white) is “Pearls and Lace"  Black and white is "Miss Kitty"
Prize Winners at Brisbane Show

“Fleur” - pattern being tested for release 

Have included Robyn's available patterns in earlier newsletter but will put them up again for you to peruse!  Congratulations Robyn!!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2016

CRuiSiN' tHe NEt

Doll Street Dreamers posted news on an exhibition entitled 'Journeys through light and dark - Dolls as tellers of stories'.  Pictures are available - takes a while to load but well worth the wait - some very interesting mixed media creations! ......................


Art Puppets of Paul Klee

Another interesting site has an overview of Paul Klee's puppets - made from all sorts they are fun and worth checking out at the Om Pom Happy blog.  Klee's paintings etc were considered quite revolutionary in his time and if you search him up on 'images' you'll see the variety of work he produced.   https://ompomhappy.com
There are many and varied articles on various artists on om pom happy - you need time to explore!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

SteaMPuNK CD by SusAN BArmorE

DOLLMAKERS JOURNEY have just released SUSAN BARMORE'S CD for 'Wisteria and Dog'.  It was previously an online class.  Looks like fun.

                                   Check it out at www.dollmakersjourney.com/barmore.html