Sunday, August 31, 2014

SoMErseT ApPRenTicE

 Had time to peruse the latest Somerset Apprentice - it's a very interesting magazine!  Step by step instructions teach the fundamentals of creating Somerset-style art—one basic step at a time. Artists share their favorite tips and techniques, including layered collage, mixed media, and assemblage art, which are presented through detailed, close-up photographs and clear, concise instructions. Just what I need.  
Have been trying to set myself up to do more journalling - takes a bit of courage to get going so like this idea.  Magazine is $19.50 on current exchange rate.

PeeK  InSidE

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

AdElaiDe GoiNgS oN

Adelaide Doll Club are having a Doll Day next Sunday - the 31st August.
The day will be divided into two parts - a face painting class with Helen and a Beaded Doll with Christine.  Great idea!  Have fun those attending.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

PatTi's DoLl

Patti Culea has just finished teaching her Maridrial at Piecemakers.  
Such a pity we aren't closer. 

StARt SaVinG

Start putting away the pennies as next year - February - there are plans being made for FLORAL FOLLIES — a cloth doll happening planned for Piecemakers in the US.  The wonderful doll makers - 
- Elinor Peace Bailey, Patti Culea, Sally Lampi, Betts Vidal and Barbara Willis are cooking up plans with  Gloria McKinnon for half day workshops following a floral theme.  Sounds pretty good!
Google Piecemakers for more info!

Let'S ViSiT AnoTheR KinGdOM

While we are looking at homes full of 'STUFF' that look so fabulous thought I'd add in some pictures of Barbara Chapman's home in San Diego.  Some people can put 'stuff' together in such an artistic way! 

Barbara's Kingdom lovingly recreated after her home was destroyed by fire.  Can you imagine. 

 Isn't Barbara so elegant and beautiful!  Of course the amazing elinor needs no introduction!!!!

MArgArET OlleY the QuEEn oF StUff

Mirka Mora's home is a beautiful kingdom full of books, antiques, dolls - magic. Penny recently went to the NSW town of Murillumbah for the Margaret Olley exhibition.  Margaret's house was another kingdom - and they have lovingly recreated her studio in the exhibition.  Penny went thru twice and said it was magnificent!
The Margaret Olley Art Centre was built to honour the express wish of Margaret Olley following her passing in July 2011. The Margaret Olley Art Trust gifted $1 million to the Tweed Regional Gallery to establish the Centre as a purpose-built extension to the Gallery.

ThE FaBuloUs MirKa MoRa

You still have time to see Mirka Mora's exhibition at the Heide Museum of Modern Art in Bulleen, Vict. As well as her paintings there are a lot of Mirka's favorite objects including her collection of dolls.  Mirka is 87 and she paints every day - what an amazing woman!  The exhibition runs until the 9th November.                                                Mirka says - 
"I tell you the secret, don’t grow up, that’s the secret. I should be a lady of 87 but to hell with it! I want to have bad manners and bad habits, I don’t want to grow up in other words. But I hope I am a good example to other people, because you don’t have to grow old. It’s a trap!"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Need an excuse to flit off to the US?  The Windy City Doll Conference is coming up - to be held near Chigago, Oct. 9th - 12th.     Tutors will be  Arley Berry Hill, Peggy Wilson and Nancy Gowran.  Should be fabulous - check it out at

WoT's NeW?

What would we do without the beautiful, talented, Jill Maas!  Jill has just been over to the UK to celebrate her grand-daughter's third birthday - and home again to release a new pattern.

This is Yvonne; she is off to the beach with sunhat, designer bikini and matching scuffs.
She is full bodied, slightly stroppy, out for fun and a great role model to whoever likes her style.
A keen surfer, she has been known to wear the crown she won in 1969 while singing at a karaoke bar in Rotorua. She is still not sure what the crown was awarded for, but its 'beauty' gives her 'presence' in high society!
She also plays the mouth organ on Tuesdays
A whimsical character for you to make your own with a little bit of Lycra, designer scuffs and a hat to shade from the sun. Yvonne stands about 28 cm or 11 ins tall.

Keep an eye out for some sunglasses that would fit her (5 cm or 2 ins) - $15.00inc post in Australia

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

WHaT's BEen HaPpEniNG????

Do you know the work of the fabulous Sunny Carvalho?  Can't you see a doll here - what a face!
 She makes amazing clay 'dolls' too.  I haven't learned how to fly this thing properly yet so haven't been able to position the photos where I want them - but the third picture is  a group of purchases a woman in the US made at Art Trunk show - each from her tutors at the event.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Do you live in a Kingdom of STUFF????  Isn't if fabulous!!!  A wee bit daunting at times trying to find something.  I've had a big SORT OUT (another one!!!!) and have managed to pass on quite a bit - or put it in a different spot.  Have labelled boxes - and become a lot more organized.  Had to do it while doing the 'Women's Shed' classes here - we tackled a lot of different projects.  My beautiful camera has died so when I get a new one I'll take some pictures.  If you can send me some pictures of your STUFF we can share.  

Welcome to the Kingdom

How many newsletters have I written over the years of Things I Like? - it's a scary thought.  If they were all put into a folder they would be an interesting record of cloth doll making in Australia - from the early days of new patterns coming out every week, new dollmakers popping onto the scene, terrific doll events happening in Australia and overseas - being part of a growing movement.  I guess things have settled down now - a lot of Australia's pattern designers have moved on to other things - maybe dabbling a little.   
Just checked and registered the business in 2004 - April.  How sad I missed the 20th anniversary.  All those newsletters - aaaagh.  Well - whilst doing the last one decided I can't do it anymore - sigh.  So - here we are - I'm going to keep news on this blog.  Anyone that can't check in let me know and we'll see what we can cook up.  Twenty years - wow.