Sunday, July 26, 2015


Do I DeSERvE a HoliDAy?

The answer is probably not - but Russ has some leave so taking a break.  Wanted to get heaps on the blog - but time is running out - so might do some along the way.
Want to apologize to those who recd all the return email info etc after I sent the first lot of mail outs regarding the blog update.  Didn't have the Blind Copies sorted for the first lot - so hopefully the rest were OK.  The blind leading the blind sometimes.

Jill Maas's latest pattern - 'Abbey and her little finch Betty in the basket with Petunia Parrot who nests on Abbeys head'. Isn't she terrific!!!  (Abbey and Jill of course)

Jill's 'Bordering on Steam Punk'  Want to go play at Jill's house!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

RaNGi's HAiR CuTtinG

In among all the fun and games that goes on here we had a 'Rite of Passage' celebration for Rangi - (grandson).  He turned twelve and in the Cook Islands the tradition is that the boy's hair isn't cut until around that age - so Ine put down an 'umu' - the underground oven cooking - and lots of rellies traveled to Mambray to celebrate.  Rangi met his 'real' Maori grandmother - who he hadn't met before, so it was a very special time.
I know this isn't doll related - but it is something different - and it was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves - and the Maori food!  
'The Rite Journey' is just one of many web sites that are opening up to encourage more 'Rite of Passage' celebrations, if you are at all interested.  It is an old tradition that has been lost and it's importance is being recognized.

Rangi having his hair plaited before the ceremony.  The family cuts a plait first - and then others are invited to come and participate.  He looks such a different boy now!
I think he did very well to have long plaited hair for twelve years - it's hard to be different among your peers.

The tables laid out with some of the food!  There was chicken, pork, veges etc cooked on the hot rocks - then Alice and family made dishes like 'banana poke' etc as accompaniment. 
Everyone was great about being game enough to try different food.
Farm looks beautiful - it was perfect weather!

Off on holidays in a few days time and realize I've been so taken up with the foibles of life that the poor blog is feeling sad and neglected.  Had a wonderful visit from Penny and Jaslyn - and we had our little 'Xmas in July' celebration here in the shop.  A really enjoyable group of women and we had lots to share in 'Show and Tell' - Jackie made it this time and the quilts she brought along - unbelievable!  Kaye always impresses with her wonderful quilts and dolls to show - it's magic!

Our little group for 'Xmas in July' - in the shop.  We missed quite a few of the gang who sadly couldn't make it.

MAREE trip was magic - as you can imagine!  What an amazing little place with so many interesting people and interesting stories.  I ran some silk dyeing and beading classes which were fun and produced some great items.  Very short time slots so we didn't tackle any dolls!

Hard 'at play' at Marree Arid Lands Woman's Conference